Welcome All!
This page was really conceived by my web designing, computer speaking geeky older brother who thought that surely Everyone would love to blog about their exploits. In reality I think he just wanted to buy another domain name, but hey, here we go.
As life has been boring of late, I think it is time I take up arms to make the web a more interesting place. Here I hope to share things to make your time wasting a little more enjoyable: hints and tricks to crafting and cooking projects, shameless examples of my own creative adventures, and links to blogs and websites that have helped me find amusement and pick up skills!
Everything here is written by me unless otherwise noted, and anything referenced from another site or person will likewise be credited. My goal is to share creativity and hopefully inspire you to do the same.
Try something new, or fix something old.
Learn to do something different, or do something better than you already do.
Do something Awesome and share it with us all!
Have Fun!!